Let’s get to know each other and the project! We will start by discussing deliverables, timelines and goals of the project. We will also get into pay and what works best for both of us -set total for the project vs. hourly rate.
This is when we start diving into “look and feel.” If you’ve saved anything as inspiration, send it over! Do you have a brand that you love or a have seen a design that speaks to your brand? Show me! I’ll dive into research to see what competitors are doing- what’s working for them and what isn’t and most importantly, how can we stand out?
I’ll create 3 mood boards with different aesthetics that could work for the goal of the project. I’ll include a description with each mood board to explain the design themes and things to pay attention to. We will discuss each option and settle on our favorite, or I’ll make more until we have one that feels perfect! Mood boards are FREE ALWAYS. They are a valuable tool for both of us to point back to as the design process goes along and helps ensure everything stays consistent with the vision!
I am very proud to be able to say every client I’ve worked with has ended up with a design they are stoked on. BUT it’s not always the first try, and that’s okay! I am absolutely happy to tweak things until we are both very proud of the end result.
Big Adventure
My husband died from cancer in January, 2020.
Before he passed, he asked me to spread his ashes along the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route. I wasn’t a cyclist and had never ridden more than 25mi at a time. With my husband’s ashes strapped to my bike, I set off from Canada to Mexico on the world’s longest mountain bike route - alone.